
February 14, 2009

Amor de mi Alma

Amor de mi Alma is a very beautiful song. I once cry in our rehearsal when we sung this song. This song was performed in our 2008 annual concert.

Amor de mi Alma

Yo no nací sino para quereros;
Mi alma os ha cortado a su medida;
Por hábito del alma misma os quero.

Escrito esté en mi alma vuestro gesto;
Yo lo leo tan solo que aun de vos
Me guardo en esto.

Quanto tengo confiesso yo deveros;
Por vos nací, por vos tengo la vida,
Y por vos e de morir y por vos

(By Garcilaso de la Vega)

I was not born but to love you.
You my soul has cut to its measure:
it’s you I want as a cloak for my soul.

Your every aspect is written on my soul:
I no more than read, that within it,
even from you I might hide myself.

How much I must confess I owe you:
for you I was born, for you I have life.
Were it necessary, for you I would die;
and for you I do die.

(English Translation by Keith Beckman)


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